Some Clarification Regarding Speak Asia Cases


Good Afternoon Friends

It is very well seen as many questions and doubts are arising in people's mind about our company's proceedings and also many doubts are arising for is well observed and understandable that our company should come forward and communicate with all of us to clarify the doubts and questions however our company can only communicate when they will have something good to share...

They are well aware that the primary focus is on RESTART of the business and once they have things in their hands only then they would like to communicate with all...

We all need to be a bit patience here and please dont indulge yourself in any sort of personal fights as of now...Let the time come and i am sure with time all our doubts and questions shall be answered in a proper way...

Many questions related to AISPA cannot be revealed at the moment as our enemies want to show proofs and evidence against our company and also link the panelists or association for the delay to get extended and create panic which no one would like to happen...

For the welfare of panelists and our company as things are taking place in the background and cannot be revealed at this time because of certain intruders who does not want our company to come forward...

All questions will be answered with proper time and justification if there is any misunderstanding about AISPA please do contact the association or its members for proper clarification and acknowledgement rather than fighting,debating or abusing openly in facebook forums and groups...

Its my humble request to all as things are moving forward step by step which is the best and safest way for our company to come forward and restart its business with full power and confidence and it is meant to happen people are working towards it...

Control yourselves at this moment of struggle and confusion...everything will be clarified with proper time and justifice...Kindly co-operate with all for betterment of our company and the panelists

Jai Speakasia !!!


  1. दोस्तों, जिन्होंने अभी तक "वाज्ज़ब / परफेक्ट इन्टरनेट" ज्वाइन नहीं है, वो इस लिंक पर जाकर तुरंत ज्वाइन करें और साथ ही वे जिन्होंने ज्वाइन किया हुवा है, वे सभी अपना "डील-फेक्टर" तेजी से बढ़ाएं.. आप सब के पास है 1 अगस्त तक का समय... उस दिन तक अर्जित "डील फेक्टर" से आपको मिलेंगे "डील पॉइंट्स", वो भी हर महीने... जिनसे आप बिना अपना कोई पैसा खर्च किये, ऑनलाइन खरीददारी कर सकते हैं, ऑनलाइन गेम्स खेलकर नकदी जीत सकते हैं.. रेस्टोरेंट का बिल अदा कर सकते हैं, और न जाने क्या-क्या?

    क्योंकि 1 अगस्त यानि लॉन्च के बाद बहुत बड़े पैमाने पर दुनिया के हर कोने में इसका प्रचार होगा। और दुनिया का हर बिजनस "वाज्ज़ब" से जुड़ना चाहेगा क्योंकि "डील" ही इतनी शानदार जो है.
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