Similar case is with Writ 3611 of Hon. Bombay High C

Respected Speakasians,
Please remember one thing whenever there is a matter of court, issuing of the dates of hearing is obvious till the final verdict. But till then we have to see on every hearing that what good or bad happened. The subject of the discussion should be the verdict/order/content of the hearing but not about next dates. Remember one thing that the ways of success will be go thru court’s streets. So there is no need to feel down coz it’s the judicial process & we have to accept it.
One thing more that many are questioning that when the business plan was already explained to the mediator Mr. R.C. Lahoti related to the Writ 383 in the Hon. Supreme Court then why this is to be explained before the Hon. Bombay High Court ? We should know that with the disposal of the Writ 383 all observations/comments/orders/verdicts during the hearing were vanished, only the last verdict survives. Similar case is with Writ 3611 of Hon. Bombay High C

ourt. Both are disposed. It’s a honest attempt to stand tall again.NOTE : Now coming to ABA/1083/2012. It’s the Anticipatory Bail Application of AISPA’s Sec. Mr. Ashok Bahirwani. In this matter showing the business plan to the court itself a major positive sign for all of us. It seems that God is with us. It’s true that progress is slow but we can’t ignore that still it is progress. Time will reveal every one’s honesty & that will be the Happiest Day in our lives. At present scenario may be we are unable to understand the proceedings coz of lots of complications but at the end it will be a straight & simple road to success & happiness.
AISPA is the family & symbol of united Speakasians.
Knowingly or unknowingly please don’t break it.
Stay United, Stay Safe & Get Success.
Jai Sachhe Speakasians.

Aman Azad

Update By Mr. Satya Bachan …..
a] the EOW wants to delay the hearing which means the contents of this ABA has made it nervous
b] the court has allowed videographing of Mr Ashok Bahirwani’s Interrogations which means the court has understood that there is truth in the allegations made in the ABA
c] the court has allowed the company to come and explain it’s business model . Depending on legal advice either the company or Mr Ashok Bahirwani can explain the business model . Since recruitment is not compulsory in Speakasia it cannot be termed money circulation.


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