SpeakAsia Client and Survey source

Dear BizBasket Viewers,

Sometime back the media reported based on input from the investigation agencies that SpeakAsia surveys are fake and they are being made in Mumbai. Below is extract from article of a leading newspaper, DNA India, published on 1st Oct 2011.

"The finding is based on an arrested web designer’s confession. According to EOW sources, Nayan Khandor, the director of Brand Saloon Inc in Dadar (W) and a web designer, met SpeakAsia CEO Manoj Sharma in February 2010. He was given the task of creating e-surveys and e-magazines for the firm.
“He told us that initially, he was paid Rs 10,000 a month.But his last cheque was for Rs 1.50 lakh. This means that he had increased his survey rates after SpeakAsia became popular and more people started investing in it,” said an EOW official on the condition of anonymity."
To read the complete news by DNA India, click here. At the end of the article they say
"Khandor has admitted to his involvement in the fraud,” said Rajvardhan."
Now, today on 27th Feb 2012, another leading news paper Times of India has published another report, which says
"A source said Seven Rings entered into an agreement with SpeakAsia Pte ( Singapore) and Haren Ventures Pvt Ltd. "Seven Rings offered to act as a publisher for SpeakAsia surveys but on the condition that they get 60% profit while SpeakAsia got 40%. Seven Rings said it had a wider reach and the agreement would be beneficial to SpeakAsia. They promised to publish an electronic magazine (e-zine) too," said the source.

To read full article by Times of India, click here

If Mr. Khandoor admitted that the surveys were made by him, after 5 months the same sources are telling that the surveys were taken care by Seven Rings International?? Is media confused?? Friends, this shows that Speakasia is being framed falsely and the investigations against the company has not proven anything till date. Media is helping only in negative way.

Company has deposited $10 million (about Rs.50 crores) in the supreme court registry and they are not going anywhere but forward. Lets be united!!


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