Updates From AISPA - Ashok Bahirwani (06 Apr. 2012)

Good Afternoon Speakasians,

The AGM held on the 31st March was an eye opener for all of us and it was heartwarming to see that panelists from all over the country came in large numbers to show their love and support for AISPA.

A particular comment by a panelist caught my imagination and it dawned on me that in the days to come the responsibilities of AISPA were huge. This Panelist drew my attention that immediately after restart of business, which was our first goal, AISPA should lobby with government bodies to ensure that some sort of a regulatory body is constituted for the direct sales industry so that this industry which has the capacity to generate income for a huge mass of people is provided with the necessary guidelines, regulation and legality.

The hall that we booked had a capacity of only 300 persons but by the response of the panelists and from the confirmations received from all over India on the Emailaispa.confirmation@gmail.com we were forewarned and we prepared ourselves for the eventuality of having a large turnout. This was in spite of us requesting the panelists from all over not to come in large numbers.

AISPA is proud to announce that we stood up to the occasion and most of the attendees were happy with the arrangements.

The entire details of the AGM will be uploaded on the web site www.aispa.co.in in a couple of days thru a fresh link somewhere next to the download membership form link on the home page.

I am pleased to announce here the Committee Members and the Media Committee Members and the Office Bearers of the Association as below:

Office Bearers:

Melwyn Crasto Mumbai President

Amit Sabhlok MP Vice President

Ashok Bahirwani Mumbai Secretary

Gurdeep Singh Punjab Joint Secretary

Nimi Kamboj Mumbai Treasurer

P. Arunachalam TN Joint Treasurer

Committee Members:
(In alphabetic order)

Abhishek Mishra UP

Damod Haran TN

Hemant Surryavanshi Maharashtra

Kishor Meswani Mumbai

Milind Dhaneshwar MP

Raj Shekar Naik Karnataka

Ravi Kadam Gujrat

Shemeer P.C Kerala

Sukesh Anand Rajasthan

Media Committee Members:
Melwyn Crasto (President) Mumbai Roshni Arora (Coordinator) Mumbai

Anand Prasad UP Saikat Majumdar Tripura

Deepanshu Varshney UP Sandeep Gupta UP

Dilip Chhatwani MP Sanjeev Khanna New Delhi

Hari Krishnan TN Sayed Yassin Karnataka

Kamlesh Patel Gujrat Vidya Mandvekar Mumbai

Priyal Verma Chatiisgarh Victor Mcfarlane Assam

Rahul Dhekle Mumbai Vikas Mahajan Punjab

Vineet Tiwari UP

3rd April, 2012 was the hearing in the session’s court for my Anticipatory Bail and Mr. Melwyn Crasto’s relaxation of bail conditions.

My Anticipatory Bail application was adjourned to 3rd May, 2012 and the learned Special PP under instructions of the Investigating Officer has given an undertaking to the court that the EOW will not arrest me until 3rd May, 2012.

In Mr. Melwyn Crasto’s relaxation application the learned Special PP seeked time for filing the reply and this matter has been adjourned to 21st April, 2012.

4th April, 2012 in the Bombay High Court the hearing in WP 3611/2011 has been adjourned to 3rd May, 2012 as the Hon’ble High Court is already on record stating as follows in the order dated 21st March, 2012:

“Since the propriety demands that when the matter is pending before the Apex Court, this Court should refrain itself from passing any order”. 

Once again the learned PP tried to misguide the court saying that they had verbally informed the Hon’ble Supreme Court about the matter and that they had filed an application in the Supreme Court.

To this our counsel informed the court that nothing of this sort had happened and the Hon’ble Supreme Court had adjourned the matter for three weeks on the request of the counsel for Income Tax so the issue of the EOW informing the SC, about the matter does not arise. 

Moreover the affidavit filed by the EOW on the 29th March deals with the Mediation Proceedings and does not mention the Bombay High Court matter at all. 

The Hon’ble Judge informed the learned PP that he (the Judge) hopes that they will get the required clarification on the next date. 

The Matter is now adjourned to 3rd May, 2012 to be placed on the Supplementary Board meaning it will be heard in the morning session itself.

I can sense that the Panelists are getting anxious and are worried about the continuous adjournments and with the upcoming summer vacations they feel that the matter may get further delayed beyond June 2012.

I say there is no need to be worried about this, and please think positively if something happens in our favour on the 30th April, 14th May will look a long way off.

The company communicated through the official Blog spot on 3rd April and started 4 Email Id’s for communicating with the Panelists. This is a huge movement and I am sure the panelists must have taken it very positively. 

In this communication the company also informed us as below:

The company has also initiated various steps for the resumption of our business.Dialogue with various departments and authorities is underway with regard to PE formation, statutory clearances etc. We would like to assure all our SpeakAsian Family members that we wish to quickly resume business once all the legal requirements are fulfilled”. 

This statement by the company shows the resolve and the clear intention of the company to immediately work towards the restart of Operations, which I am sure, is the main objective and aim of majority of the panelists.

“Like stones rolling down hills, fair ideas reach their objectives despite all obstacles and barriers. It may be possible to speed or hinder them, but impossible to stop them” …Jose Marti

Have Patience, Have faith, trust your company.

Proud to be a Speakasian.

Jai Speakasia,
Jai Speakasia,
Jai Speakasia.

Ashok Bahirwani


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