few questions raised by the panelists in different forums

Respected Speakasians,

Here is the few questions raised by the panelists in different forums. Answers are given by Mr. Satya Bachan. It seems to be the best answers at this time of juncture. I’ve just compiled for the ease of all panelists. Please correct if there is any mistake.

Q 1 : Who was the respondent no.4 in Writ 383 ?
Ans : Respondent No 4 is Haren Ventures . Since they are the global distributors of the E-Magazine 'Surveys Today ' and the subscription amounts were paid to them ,they had offered to return the subscription amounts to those people who no longer want to be associated with Speakasia .

Q 2 : What will happen next ? Downline/team is harassing us.
Ans : We can expect exit payments to begin , we can expect the EOW to file it's chargesheet , we can expect a legal move for consolidation of all FIR's and chargesheets , and all through this the company is working towards Business Restart . If your downlines have opted for exit option they will not harass you for long now . If your downlines have not opted for exit it means they have either earned from the company or have full faith in the company - so they have no reason to harass you.

Q 3 : When the normal payouts will start ?
Ans : Normal payments only after business restart under the policies of the company.

Q 4 : Some exit optioners din’t received any email , why ?
Ans : If some people have not received the mail it means that either they are not eligible for exit or they had made some error in filling the exit form.

Q 5 : When the EOW will file their chargesheet ?
Ans : The EOW has announced via the press that they are filing their chargesheet shortly . During the bail relaxation hearing of a company manager on 18/10/2012 they had said they are filing their chargesheet in one month . So we should believe them.

Q 6 : Why the delay of payouts to exitors ?
Ans : Where is the delay ? The 15 day period for submitting the confirmation form is still not over . Let us have some patience . The verification procedure is time consuming and has to be thorough.

Q 7 : Will the restart is possible after giving payouts to the exitors ?
Ans : It is not wise to predict the future . As things happen we will come to know of them . The verification has to done on an account to account basis and it is time consuming . Let the investigations stop . Then we can all start talking about a quick restart.

Q 8 : Will the restart is possible after filing the chargesheet by the EOW ?
Ans : The company is more eager than all of us to restart it's business . When the circumstances are right they will not waste even one day to restart . But sorry , unable to answer hypothetical questions about time.

Q 9 : Will the restart is possible after the finalization of all ongoing cases ?
Ans : Soon a legal move for consolidation of all FIR's and chargesheets will be made . After that there will be no case except the trial at AP which is not a hindrance to business restart .

Q 10 : Has RBI issued any new circular to banks regarding Speakasia ?
Ans : The RBI has not issued any fresh circular to the banks . However the RBI's stance , that it has never called Speakasia Money Circulation or stopped it's Banking Channels, negates the effect of the previous Cautionary circular.

Q 11 : Can the Tarak Bajpai addresses us publicaly ?
Ans : The EOW should file it's supplementary chargesheet within a month or so. That will mark the end of this rather tedious investigation we all have been subjected to . Hope to see Tarak Sir address us publicly after that.

Q 12 : Is there any govt. agency said Speakasia to stop their business ?
Ans : Once the investigations stop there is no reason for the company not to restart as no Govt Agency has ever said the company should not be allowed to function.

Q 13 : Why investigation ?
Ans : Investigations are a natural result of an FIR . Every Department has a right to do it's duty to the best of it's ability.

Q 14 : Why the company not asked for the relief to the Hon. Supreme Court on the basis of Writ 3611 ?
Ans : The company cannot ask for relief in the SC as it was not a party in the CrWp 3611 . However the Association AISPA may ask for relief.

Q 15 : Speakasia is not registered in India, is this the main reason for all these problems ?
Ans : Registration of a company is not a proof of it's authenticity . There are many registered companies which have swindled the public and disappeared . Even if the company was registered an FIR against the company would have led to the same results of investigation and chargesheet .

Q 16 : Restart is possible or not ?
Ans : Speakasia has a definite detailed working plan and has not committed any fraud which is why it will come back . The company is here to stay and do business the legal way.

Note : All the questions asked by the panelists in different forums.
Answers are given by Mr. Satya Bachan. It seems to be the best answers at this juncture. Just compiled for the ease of all panelists. Please correct if there is any mistake.

Jai Sachhe Speakasians, Jai Speakasia, Jai AISPA

Aman Azad


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