
Showing posts from December, 2012

स्पीक एशिया : ऐस्पा : पॉवर एडमिन्स की वास्तविकता

आदरणीय स्पीक एशियन्स, कुछ लोग अपने निहित स्वार्थ के लिए कभी भी तथ्यों को स्वीकार नहीं करेंगे अपितु अपने अप्रसांगिक तर्कों द्वारा लगातार दूसरों को भ्रमित करेंगे एवं खुद भी भ्रमित रहेंगे। जो नासमझ हो, उसे समझाया जा सकता है परन्तु जो समझ के भी नासमझ बना रहे, उसका कोई इलाज नहीं। कहते हैं की मरे और मुकरे को कोई ठीक नहीं कर सकता। फिर भी एक प्रयास तो किया हे जाना चाहिए, जिस से कि इस अवस्था से अभी तक बचे लोगों को भ्रमित एवं रोग ग्रस्त होने से बचाया जा सके। सबसे पहले हमें यह हमेशा याद रखना होगा कि भागने वाले भाग जाते हैं। अदालत में लड़कर कोई नहीं भागता। चलो मान लेते हैं कि स्पीक एशिया भाग ही जाना चाहती है। तो फिर उसे देश के सम्मानित वकीलों को लेने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं थी। किसी भी वकील को ले के यह लड़ाई आसानी से हारी जा सकती थी और कह देते कि हमने तो बहुत कोशिश की, अब क्या कर सकते हैं? लेकिन ऐसा हुआ नहीं, कंपनी ने एक से एक वरिष्ठ वकीलों की सेवाएँ लीं। उदाहरण के तौर कुछ companies के नाम लेने ज़रूरी हैं जहाँ लोगों का पैसा और इज्ज़त दोनों गए। 1. सिटी लिमो 2. स्टॉक गुरु 3. राम सर्वे 4. यूरेश...

Update from Corporate Marketing Team-EXIT PLOICY

Image                                                Dear Panelist, Further to our last update on the execution of the exit policy. we wish to inform our SpeakAsia community that we have finished analysing the results of the first test batch of payouts that were sent.   We have identified certain roadblocks such as multiple claimants to the same panelist id or bank details not matching with the ones submitted at the time of applying for the exit policy, because of which not everyone got the remittance in their accounts. We are at this moment addressing those issues and hope to have a resolution to them by the end of this month. Once we have the resolutions in place we will then send out a second batch of test payouts. On successful completion of this second batch we will commence the payout as per...

This Is High Court Order Passed on 17-Dec-2012.

IN THE  HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY  CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION ANTICIPATORY BAIL APPLICATION NO.1083 of 2012 Ashok Asandas Bahirwani ... Applicant   versus The State of Maharashtra ... Respondent ... Mr.Ahmed Abdi i/b M/s.Abdi & Co. for the applicant. Mr.P.D.Gharat, Spl.P.P with Ms.R.M.Gadhvi,  APP for the State. Ms.R.M.Gadhvi, APP for the State. I.O  Mr.Bhagirati P. Shelke  PI, EOW, CB  CID, Unit­III, present  in Court. Mr.Aabad H. Ponda with Ms.Jyoti Singh and Ms.Sri Sobari Rajan i/b M/s.Phoenix Legal for Speak Asia Online Pvt.Ltd.     CORAM :   ABHAY M. THIPSAY, J.                    DATED   : December 17,  2012 P.C.  1 Heard   Mr.Ahmed   Abdi,   learned   counsel   for   the   applicant. Heard Mr.P.D.Gharat, learned Special P.P for the Economic Offences Wing, Mumba...

SpeakAsia Legal proceedings Detail

Mr. Satya Bachan            As yesterday Mr Aman Azad wrote a post which clarified that as WP383 was disposed of as withdrawn , all the orders ,except the final order are deemed null and void .         When the business model was explained in the SC sometime in the month of Sept/Oct,2011, i think , except for legal representatives of RBI there was no representation of the other parties i.e Income Tax, MCA and EOW.            The EOW had not filed it’s affidavit till that time in which it alleged that Speakasia was running a very big money circulation fraud .          Please also remember that the meeting with the RBI was a result of the order of  the Bombay HC . There is no formal record of any meeting with the MCA.                 Now in this ABA the allegation of money circulation is th...


ABA Hearing was SUCCESSFUL because a] The EOW wants to delay the hearing which means the contents of this ABA has made it nervous b] The court has allowed vi*eo graphing of Mr Ashok Bahirwani's Interrogations which means the court has understood that there is truth in the all**ations made in the ABA. c] The court has allowed the company to come and Explain it's Business Model . Depending on legal advice either the company or Mr Ashok Bahirwani can explain the business model . Since recruitment is not compulsory in Speakasia it cannot be termed money circulation. d] If the Business Model is alright then what is the problem . Why should EOW investigate ? e] If the court is satisfied with the business model then they can tell the EOW to stop it's investigations and not interfere with the company's operations. f] our respectable Corporate Affairs Minister called SAOL bogus only because it is not registered with the MCA . We expect a clear...

Similar case is with Writ 3611 of Hon. Bombay High C

Respected Speakasians, Please remember one thing whenever there is a matter of court, issuing of the dates of hearing is obvious till the final verdict. But till then we have to see on every hearing that what good or bad happened. The subject of the discussion should be the verdict/order/content of the hearing but not about next dates. Remember one thing that the ways of success will be go thru court’s streets. So there is no need to feel down coz it’s the judicial process & we have to accept it. One thing more that many are questioning that when the business plan was already explained to the mediator Mr. R.C. Lahoti related to the Writ 383 in the Hon. Supreme Court then why this is to be explained before the Hon. Bombay High Court ? We should know that with the disposal of the Writ 383 all observations/comments/orders/ verdicts during the hearing were vanished, only the last verdict survives. Similar case is with Writ 3611 of Hon. Bombay High C ourt. Both are di...

New Format Cheques to be valid from 31.12.2012

New Format Cheques to be valid from 31.12.2012 ‐   See details & benefits thereof       New Format Cheques CTS-2010 Standards will  be implemented from 1st January,  2013 details & benefits thereof CTS-2010 Standards implementation: Standardization and Enhancement of  Security Features in Cheque Forms,  the introduction and implementation of  additional security features on cheque forms will commence from 1.1.2013, this  Guidance Note will be called CTS-2010.  Important things on new cheque leaf are as follows...  A) Water Mark (to be incorporated at the paper manufacturing stage)  B) Void Pantograph ( at printing stage)  C)Ultra-violet logo of Bank(at printing stage)  D) Standardized field placements of a cheque  E) Cheque printing colours and background.  F) Microlettering.  G) New Rupee Symbol at CAR (Courtesy  Amount Recognition) amount in fig...

17/12/2012 on the request of EOW.

AISPA's secretary Mr. Ashok Bahirwani's ABA 1083/2012 which was heard in Hon. Bombay High Court today the matter has been adjourned to 17/12/2012 on the request of EOW. As we all know that on the 5th some amendments were carried out in the prayer of the ABA and as per those amendments the Court has ordered that the applicant's (Ashok Bahirwani) interrogation by the IO to be video graphed. On the second amendment the court has allowed Ashok Bahirwani to serve notice to the company to come to the court to clarify their stand and explain the business model to the court. Both movements are very favorable. Please wait for the final detailed outcome.  Thanks. regard speakasiaonlineworld

Current News About Speakasia Online Till December 2012 Startup

An online survey company named Speak asia online  who got its major glimpse and popularity among  India masses during the last year is now again gaining its panelist confidence back. The panelist after a due course of waiting for more than 15 months since May, 2011 are getting some signs of relief from the company side as company has started giving them there money back to their accounts. The company was in controversies since last year when the company tried to launch ‘ Genx Bazaar ‘ and it got bated into questions raised by media and soon began the chronology of  F.I.R. ‘s, than court cases, than arrest of its officials, the company COO Tarak vajpai and so on.The company website and servers were taken in- charge by EOW , economic offense wing which till now has not been returned to the company.Cases were filed against the company for money laundering charges of more than Rs 2000 crore .The panelist also started raising there voice against media and Govt. bodies...