
Showing posts from 2013


                 सभी मित्रो को नमस्कार, WP/1127/2013 की आज की सुनवाई मेँ माननीय कोर्ट ने जो फैसला दिया हैँ वह बहुत ही सकारात्मक हैँ लेकिन कुछ लोगो को यह फैसला बिलकुल नकारात्मक लग रहा हैँ ।                 अधिकतर लोगो का मानना हैँ कि EOW को बहुत लंबा समय दे दिया गया हैँ । जब मेने भी यह फैसला सुना तो मेरे मन मेँ भी एक पल यही बात आई थी कि EOW को वाकई बहुत लंबा समय मिल गया हैँ । लेकिन जब मेने ठंडे दिमाग से सोचा तो मुझे यह फैसला बहुत ही सकारात्मक और सुकुन भरा लगा । क्योकि रोज- रोज की तारीख से अच्छा हैँ कि एक लंबी अवधि ही सही लेकिन एक समय सीमा तो तय हो गई । अब किसी को बार बार अपडेट के लिये परेशान नही होना पड़ेगा , अब सभी लोग जान चुके हैँ कि चार्जशीट 16 दिसबंर तक जमा हो जायेगी ।

Judge have passed the order of a deadline WP/1127

                The Hearing of Writ 1127 which have opened the gate of hope and bright future and living for all those people who have been dedicated with great unity and trust since a very long time                  Today the matter which was heard about Data Sharing was kept in front of the Hon” Judge in Mumbai High Court.The investigation agency denied to share the data now because the Investigation is on and they have not completed yet which has been the main reason for not filing the Charge sheet.                  Upon hearing the Hon Judge have passed the order of a deadline or a time limit or what we call as TIME BOUND to the investigation agency for filing the Charge sheet.                  Once the Charge sheet is filed the Investigation will be OVER however till 16th Dec 20...

WP1127/2013 HEARING TOMORROW 20/08/13

Dear Speak Asian                The Hearing of WP1127/2013 is scheduled for 20/08/13 that is tomorrow. This is a request to all the panelists of Mumbai and close by places to reach the High Court to show their support to SAOL and solidarity to AISPA.


The case  status:  of  Speak Asia  1. This petition WP 1127/2013 economic crime branch of to website to share data has been imposed, which Bombay High Court hearing 20 August 2013.  2. This petition 2145/2013 WP a FIR to end the Bombay High Court, which has been imposed 16 September 2013 hearing.  3. 3210/2013 3211/2013 WP and both these  petition  Thane and Raighad  entered to end the FIR for installed in Bombay High Court, which 4 September 2013 hearing. 

For Passing Orders 20.8.2013

Order of WP 1127 hearing of 13/08/2013 Let the learned APP take instructions and file an affidavit of the Investigating Officer specifically on the point as to when the investigations would be completed. This query was raised because we noted that the First Information Report has been registered in the year 2011 and we are nearing September, 2013, but there are no indications of the investigations being concluded or otherwise.

wp 1127 full order next date 20.8.2013

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION NO.1127 OF 2013 Speak Asia Online PTE Limited. ..Petitioner ­Versus­ The State of Maharashtra and another. ..Respondents ........... Mr.A.H.H.Ponda   a/w   Mr.Srisabari   Rajan   and   Ms.Shruti   Sardesai   i/by Phoenix Legal, for the Petitioner. Mr.Pradeep Gharat, Special Public Prosecutor a/w Mrs.P.H.Kantharia, APP, for the Respondent/State. ...........

Speak Asia : WP/1127/2013 Update

                    स्पिक एशिया मामले में आज एक अच्छी समाचार आ रही है। WP/1127/2013 की सुनवाई करते समय जस्टिस धर्माधिकारी ने आर्थिक अपराध शाखा मुंबई को फटकार लगाते हुए कहा की एफ आई आर नंबर 60 साल 2011 में रजिस्टर हुवा था, और अभी 2013 चल रहा है अभी तक चार्ज सीट क्यों नहीं फाइल हुई। कोर्ट ने कहा की एक सप्ताह के अन्दर और चार्जसिट फाइल होने के पहले जाँच अधिकारी एफिडेविट फाइल करें। अगर जाँच अधिकारी एक सप्ताह के अन्दर एफिडेविट जमा नहीं करते है तो कोर्ट जाँच अधिकारी को दो सप्ताह के अन्दर चार्जसिट जमा करने का आर्डर दे देगा।

Bombay HC Order 27-7-2013 Mr Ashish Dandekar and 1127

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY APPELLATE SIDE CRIMINAL APPLICATION NO. 312 OF 2013 ASHISH DANDEKAR S/o VIJAY R. DANDEKAR .. APPLICANT VERSUS THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA .. RESPONDENT Ms. Jyoti Singh a/w Srisabari rajan i/b Phoenix Legal,Advocate for the applicant  Mr. Pradeep Gharat, Spl. PP a/w Mrs. G.P. Mulekar, APP for  the State  I.O. - Mr. Bhagirath Shelke – PI, EOW, Unit III, present. CORAM:-ABHAY M. THIPSAY, J. DATED : 26/07/2013  P.C. Heard the learned counsel for the applicant. Heard the learned Spl. Public Prosecutor for the respondent. 2       Reply filed on behalf of the respondent is taken on  record. 3      Though, it does appear that the applicant has not  scrupulously complied with the condition to attend the office of  the investigating agency, it also appears that whenever he  attended he was not interrogated. Under these circumstances, instead of g...

Writ 1127 Full update

Writ 1127 which has been filed by the company’s legal team which is for claiming the admin rights and server for which a scheduled date is kept in this month…Indian Judiciary will decide as to whom the server will be given between the two entity – SPEAKASIAONLINE or HAREN VENTURE PTE LTD whomsoever is the authorized person to claim the server… Another most important thing that will be decided between the company and the Indian Judiciary that whether the entire payments will be cleared or just Exit payments will be cleared…for this Writ 1127 is important… It has also been observed on 25th June hearing was taken place in which there were some sealed envelopes which was submitted in High Court …now what was inside that sealed envelope it has not been revealed yet…and the envelope shall be witnessed by the Hon judge who shall justify many thing on the basis of sealed envelope submitted It has also been observed that all those big leaders or panelists who have earned Huge money ...

A Big THANKS to STV NEWS from 12.5 Lac Speakasians.


Uttarakhand Relief Fund Donate Minimum 1$ DOLLAR

Donate Button Right Side our Website Note : Your donation amount rupee for rupee and make sure that this money goes to the official Uttarakhand Chief Minister’s fund. Fast moving water from the Alaknanda river destroys building during heavy monsoon  rain in  Govindghat town of Uttarakhand For instance, if you donate Rs.100  Together with you,  we hope to reach an amount of Rs. 5 Lakh.   Note : Your donation amount rupee for rupee and make sure that this money goes to the official Uttarakhand Chief Minister’s fund. Uttarakhand Floods Information Uttarkashi: (+91) 1374-226461 Chamoli: (+91) 1372-251437, 9411352136 Rudraprayag: (+91) 1364-233727,9412914875 Control Room (Uttarakhand): (+91) 135-2710334, 9557444486


                        Being low on the cause list at No 76 our case WP 1127 could not reach hearing today .                           As soon as the fresh date of hearing is made available Admins will share with you . Getting a court date is a normal occurrence and we have experienced this many times in the past . This can upset us temporarily but cannot change our resolve .



Anticipatory Bail Application of Aman, ABA 554/2013

ABA 554/2013 , Anticipatory Bail Application of Aman was heard In Bombay High Court yesterday and the same was withdrawn due to some technical reasons with the permission to file the same again. The fresh ABA with Registration No.4457/2013 has been filed today and is expected to be heard on Monday 27/05/13. As we all know Aman has protection against arrest till 24/05/13. Aman moved an application in the Sessions Court Mumbai to extend this protection on the ground that the order of 17/05/13 was made available to him today itself. The Court has kindly granted the extension of the protection till 28/05/13.

ABA 1083

I'm not well from the last few days. So unable to come online frequently. I came to know that today's detailed order of ABA 1083 came with lot's of doubts. I assure you all that every doubt will be cleared in a week. Very tough task is given by the courts to AISPA & Speakasia. But I'm very confident that maximum people will be satisfied at right time. Allegations are coming from everywhere. People are getting restless, they want to know each & everything right here & right now. Legal teams are being dragged. No issues because it's a matter of our money, lives & social respect so the questions will arrive. One request to all that please don't be judgemental at your own & don't reach to any conclusion without listening other party. Yes we all are aware that court's words matter a lot but can not be the last words. Because judiciary is working though it's slow. Giving due respect to your opinions & sentiments, I ...



Speak Asia servers and database are still in the possession EOW, Mumbai

01/04/2013 Dear SpeakAsians, In our ongoing effort to execute the Exit policy announced by the company earlier, we had sent out two test batches of payments to a few randomly selected panelists. While the first test batch experienced some glitches, the second test batch was executed with relatively lesser number of obstacles. This has given us the courage to undertake the payment to all the applicants of the exit policy of the company. As the company servers and database are still in the possession EOW, Mumbai, the company has decided to approach the Honourable Mumbai High court and to this end the company has filed a WRIT in the Mumbai high court with reference number WP/1127/2013 with the hearing dated expected on April 5, 2013. The company via this WRIT is requesting the Honourable court to direct the Mumbai EOW to hand over the database of the panelist so that we can execute the exit option at the earliest. Warm Regards, SpeakAsia Corporate Marketing Team....

Various Court Cases

Speakasia's Writ Petitions pending in the Hon. Bombay High Court 1. 3210-3211/2011 for quashing Thane, Raigadh F.I.R. Next Date : 01/04/2013 2. 1127/2013, related to website & exit payouts. Next Date : 05/04/2013 (not showing on the website) Anticipatory Bail Applications Status * ABA 174/2013 of Mr. Aman Azad along with Mr. Tejas Bhatt in the Sessions Court. Next Date : 04/04/2013        

Speak Asia Online Website will be operational in next 2 days …

                  The latest news about Speak Asia Online Pvt Ltd management reveals that the website will resume its operations within next one or two days. As announced earlier, the exit option will be functioning when the original website is operational within the next few days.               The EOW (Economics Offense Wing) has made significant progress on the investigations last week. At any time, it is expected they will release a positive statement with a set of guidelines to be followed in order to continue the survey program. There are no clues about what are those conditions and every one is eagerly waiting for the final hearing.                 After the announcement of exit option by the SAOL management, there are b...

New writ 1127/2013 has been filed by Company Speakasia

It appears a new writ 1127/2013 has been filed by Company Speakasia in Hon. Bombay High Court to be heard on 28th March. Details will be shared when it's available.

Bombay High Court Passed Order ABA-1083.2012

Bombay  High  Court sjs ABA-1083.2012 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY APPELLATE SIDE – CRIMINAL ANTICIPATORY BAIL APPLICATION NO.1083 OF 2012 Ashok Bahirwani ....  Applicant Vs. State of Maharashtra ....  Respondent S/Shri Ahmad Abdi with Satyaprakash  Sharma and Awadhesh Mourya i/b Abdi & Co. for the Applicant. Ms R.M. Gadhvi, APP, for the State. Shri Pradeep Gharat, Special PP for  EOW. Shri A.H.H. Ponda with Ms Jyoti Singh and S.S. Rajan i/b Phoenix Legal for for Speak Asia. Shri Navniit K. Khosla, Original Complainant, present.      CORAM: R.C. CHAVAN, J.       DATED: JANUARY 09, 2013 P.C: 1. This is an application for  anticipatory bail by one Ashok Bahirwani, who  himself claims to be a victim of the activities  of Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd. (hereinafter  called as “the Company”). The Company is  registered in Singapore.  ...


WELCOME TO EVERY SPEAKASIAN ' S  May this new year all your dreams turn into reality. Wish You Best Of Luck.. WISHING YOU ALL OF HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013