In their affidavit in the Hon’ble Supreme Court the EOW says that why should the company be asking the EOW for the details of the panelists they should in fact ask AISPA to provide the information as they represent the entire speakasian panelist family. What the officials of EOW fail to understand that AISPA does not have the financial status of all the panelists, this information is only available on the website of SAOL and unfortunately this access is with the EOW.
What amuses me the most is that instead of working towards getting the m**** to the panelists, why is the EOW working towards delaying the payments?
Is it not in Public Interest that the EOW should go before the mediator and assist him in ascertaining the dues of the panelists who wish to EXIT so that the panelists who want to EXIT can receive the m****?
Another instance of misinformation spread by the learned PP before the Hon’ble Bombay High Court was that the PP informed the Hon’ble court that they had filed for a stay in the matter, as I write this update 4 days after the 15th no such information comes to our knowledge, clearly pointing at yet another instance of falsehood spread by the PP under instructions from EOW. I dread to think what will be the state of their continuous falsehood once the Hon’ble High Court comes to know about their deceit.
On a related note I would like to mention that in a recent report our old friend Justice Shri Mateen Hafeez sahib has reported that the EOW officials have 200 more complaints in their kitty. To which I humbly submit, let there not be 200, let there be 2000 complaints.
A complaint arises when one party says I have paid you, and you are not paying me back on my demand. The company is willing to pay back all panelists who want to EXIT, provided they opt for the EXIT OPTION. Let all those 200 complainants apply for the said EXIT OPTION and get paid by the company through the Mediation effort of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Where is the Problem? The company is bound by its undertaking to the Hon’ble Supreme Court to pay out the entire outstanding as ascertained by the Hon’ble Mediator.
In the AISPA press conference today, I asked the media representatives, what will the EOW’s 72 hour notice for arrest gain, save and except my arrest, the arrest of my physical body, this arrest will not be able to arrest my spirit, my thoughts, my ideas or the UNITED fight of the Speakasians. The battle of Speakasians, for the protection of personal liberty and the right to e*** a livelihood is much greater than the arrest of Ashok Bahirwani.
If they arrest Ashok Bahirwani there will be another 10 Ashok Bahirwani’s who will stand up, on the arrest of these 10 another 100 will be born. This fight is of the truth, this fight is for our personal liberty, this fight is for our rights, this fight is for our constitutional basic rights to e*** our livelihood this is a never ending fight till we get justice.
“There is no religion greater than truth and a truthful person knows no fear”.
…Rig Veda

Have Patience, have faith, Trust the company.
Morya… Bhai Morya,
Jai Speakasia,


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