Understand the revenue sources of SAOL

Hi friends,
This is for your to understand your company speakasia which will clear most of your doubts….
Let us understand the revenue sources of SAOL mentioned here as under:
1-E-zine subscription,
2-Multiple panel exchanges across the globe with Market Research agencies,
3-Advertisement revenue,
4-Direct selling,
5-Product selling,
7-Hotel Reservation,
8-Self development training programs,

Proposed fields:
9-Real Estate,
10-Narrow Casting (Local advertising),
11-General Insurance & Life Insurance,
12-Booking of products through E-Shoppe (Kiosks),
14-Mobile Service Provider.

The business of SAOL has become now a long term self sustainable which pricks the eyes of most of its competitors.The only crime SAOL did is its revolutionary business module which is way ahead of its time primarily based on advance & modern technologies.
SAOL is the only company in the world along with Amway that pumped in millions of Rs. to get all the establishments done through fighting a lengthy judicial battle and consequently gaining verdict in its favor.
Our Family of Speakasians stood rock steady by us through one of the most troubled time in the corporate history of any company. We were attacked maliciously by certain sections of the media, hounded by the authorities and attempts were made to crush our total entity. However we continuously maintained our commitment to our cause and the protection of the interest of our family.
We are coming with infinite possibilities ahead.Due to this reason our system,Anti Spkasians & our lovely competitors unanimously want to kill a revolutionary business in its infancy which has the capability to shape the economy and to eradicate unemployment problems.
All the government agencies of INDIA extensively investigated in the matter of SAOL but found nothing.I consider this initiative as a blessing in disguise for the stability of our business.Those who have tremendous possibility of growth face jealousy of others.Isn’t it?
SAOL is bouncing back by taking clearance from all the rules of the land and then one has to think innumerable of times to raise any allegation,doubt or suspicion against the authenticity and commitment of SAOL.
SAOL will be 24 carat pure gold. The world will look towards Speakasia & all the Speakasians in an awe.They are on the verge to witness a heralding new dawn in the context of ‘PRECISION MASS MARKETING
have a nice day


  1. Great job u have done to disclose this all the things.But once website starts u should have done it.

  2. kabhi milega paisa woh bolo bhai

  3. kabhi milega paisa woh bolo bhai


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