Good News...9th May Date of S.C is Preponed

Dear Speakasians, Good Evening.

Thanks to legal team of our beloved Speak Asia .....for getting the case writ 383 preponed......on 9th may was not so easy task to get this date preponed.this show that how saol is trying its best out of best efforts to resolve the whole matters day. also show us all speak asians that saol is fully active for its resumption in India..........getting date preponed in Hon. Supreme Court .is not a easy task....once again thanks to legal team/Hon.Lawyers for the same from all Speak Asians. Proud to Be Speakasian Forver.


  1. thanks and good morning to all my friendsssssss-
    ITEM NO.MM2 COURT NO.12 SECTION X S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO(s). 383 OF 2011 SOLOMON JEMES & ORS. Petitioner(s) VERSUS UNION OF INDIA & ORS. Respondent(s) Date: 04/05/2012 This Petition was mentioned today. CORAM : HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE K.S. RADHAKRISHNAN HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE DIPAK MISRA For Petitioner(s) Mr. U.U. Lalit, Sr. Adv. Mr. Sushil K. Tekriwal, Adv. Ms. K.V. Bharathi Upadhyaya, Adv. Dr. Mamta Tekriwal, Adv. Mr. Rajiv K. Raj, Adv. Mr. Jitendra Mohan Sharma, Adv Mr. Amit Anand Tiwari, Adv For Respondent(s) Mr. Vikas Mehta, Adv. Mrs Anil Katiyar, Adv Mr. Kuldeep S. Parihar, Adv Mr. H.S. Parihar, Adv Ms. Asha Gopalan Nair, Adv UPON being mentioned the Court made the following O R D E R List on Wednesday i.e. on 09.05.2012. (NARENDRA PRASAD) (RENUKA SADANA) COURT MASTER COURT MASTER


  3. {Hindi} AISPA - 4th May, 2012 : Message From Mr. Ashok Bahirwani


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