Writ 1127 Full update
Writ 1127 which has been filed by the company’s legal team which is for claiming the admin rights and server for which a scheduled date is kept in this month…Indian Judiciary will decide as to whom the server will be given between the two entity – SPEAKASIAONLINE or HAREN VENTURE PTE LTD whomsoever is the authorized person to claim the server… Another most important thing that will be decided between the company and the Indian Judiciary that whether the entire payments will be cleared or just Exit payments will be cleared…for this Writ 1127 is important… It has also been observed on 25th June hearing was taken place in which there were some sealed envelopes which was submitted in High Court …now what was inside that sealed envelope it has not been revealed yet…and the envelope shall be witnessed by the Hon judge who shall justify many thing on the basis of sealed envelope submitted It has also been observed that all those big leaders or panelists who have earned Huge money ...
all the best all & me