New Format Cheques to be valid from 31.12.2012
New Format Cheques to be valid from 31.12.2012 ‐ See details & benefits thereof New Format Cheques CTS-2010 Standards will be implemented from 1st January, 2013 details & benefits thereof CTS-2010 Standards implementation: Standardization and Enhancement of Security Features in Cheque Forms, the introduction and implementation of additional security features on cheque forms will commence from 1.1.2013, this Guidance Note will be called CTS-2010. Important things on new cheque leaf are as follows... A) Water Mark (to be incorporated at the paper manufacturing stage) B) Void Pantograph ( at printing stage) C)Ultra-violet logo of Bank(at printing stage) D) Standardized field placements of a cheque E) Cheque printing colours and background. F) Microlettering. G) New Rupee Symbol at CAR (Courtesy Amount Recognition) amount in fig...
Hello any update pls update soon.