speakasiaonline not updated whois information

If you open www.speakasiaonline.com website the message shows:
Notice: This domain has been redirected. 
If you are registrant of this domain, please contact invalidwhois@godaddy.com 
The reason is, Company has purchased domain name www.speakasiaonline.com from godaddy.com. www.speakasiaonline.com domain name has been suspended due to invalid Whois information. According to GoDaddy terms and conditions at least once in a year domain owner has to verify or update whois information, i.e; Company Name, Address, Contact No. , etc. I hope SpeakAsiaOnline Management will contact GoDaddy to rectify this problem. This issue is temporary and do not think anything negative….
Company’s web hosting server is working fine , check it :
whois : It returns information about a domain name or IP address, and domain owner’s information. For example, if you enter a domain name such as www.google.com , whois will return the name and address of the domain’s owner.
Check it : http://whois.domaintools.com/microsoft.com


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