Speak Asia: rampant spread of rumors

Rumor 1: Franchisee accounts have not been defreezed. It is true that the company officials have been collecting data from various franchisees regarding their freezed accounts so that some action can be taken on this front. The accounts have been freezed under orders from CB-CID and EOW and not by RBI. Once again i wish to bring to your notice that the accounts have not been defreezed.This will happen but has not yet happened.

Rumor 2: Various related news have been doing the rounds like A massive advertisement is going to start from the 9th, EXIT OPTION payment will start from 12th or even earlier,news like this has spread like wild fire and any fire is not good it can ruin lots of hopes and i am duty bound to provide clarification.
All the above will surely happen but not on these dates we are still a little away from tasting victory.
We have all experienced how with the onset of 2012 there has been a change in the velocity of the issues turning in our favor and this intensity and speed will move the entire matter in our favor very soon but we will have to remain a little more positive and patient.
Please do not have too much expectations from the Supreme Court hearing of 9th January, 2012. We will surely move a step forward positively but i do not see any immediate relief happening tomorrow. This is a journey and the roads have evened out the ride is now smooth and the speed is good.
This is not a final hearing, the mediation report has been submitted this report will be taken on record and some action/s will be ordered setting in process our return to normalization. I am sure, although i would love to be proved wrong, that no final order will be given by the Hon’ble Supreme Court for immediate restart of any activity tomorrow i.e. on the 9th January, 2012
Friends, fellow Speakasians i know most of us are tired and weary but please have patience the journey is about to end. Start preparing for the good times.
Speakasia… King of GOOD TIMES. is about to ROCK.
Morya. Bhai Morya.
Jai Speak Asia


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