I have been inundated with numerous calls and have checked it myself, that the www.speakasiaonline.com website is visible and our log in is possible. This is a wonderful surprise, because we have not been able to log into our website and see our RP’s. Let us wait and watch if the site can be logged into during the day tomorrow also. Only then we will we know the exact status.
BUT, thefact,that the website is suddenly functional at such an opportune moment, of our case coming up in the Supreme Court, is reason to celebrate.

Did not our Babbar sher, Tarak Bajpaiji tell us,“We are bound to win, and we will definitely win.”

Mr. Manoj Kumarji, and Madam Haren Kaurji, I on behalf of the entire Speakasian family, Thank you and Salute You, for your courage, and for having implicit faith in your business model, which you have stood by, and fought for.

The entire Speakasian family stands united behind you, and we know we will WIN.

REQUEST TO ALL SPEAKASIANS DONT TRY TO CHANGE ANYTHING (user name, password, Transaction password, RP Transfer, profile update, bank details, a/c, purchase subscription code. etc )
Wait till official updates..
“Satyamev Jayate”

Thanks Regard:


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