Where is SpeakAsia COO Mr. Tarak Bajpai?
Where is Mr. Tarak Bajpai…?
Mr. Tarak Bajpai can not come in front because of his bail conditions. He is not allowed to influence any enquery. His appearance or communication will be considered as unlawful. But the lawyers with their full responsbilities are doing their job well. Keep an eye on facts and please be tension free.
Mr. Tarak Bajpai can not come in front because of his bail conditions. He is not allowed to influence any enquery. His appearance or communication will be considered as unlawful. But the lawyers with their full responsbilities are doing their job well. Keep an eye on facts and please be tension free.
Aman Azad
Aman Azad
श्रीमान तारक बाजपेयी जी कहाँ हैं…?
तारक बाजपेयी जी जमानत की शर्तों के मुताबिक हमारे सामने नहीं आ सकते ! वह किसी भी जांच को प्रभावित नहीं कर सकते ! उनकी उपस्तिथि और संचार जमानत की शर्तों का उलंघन माना जायेगा ! परन्तु अधिवक्ता अपने कार्य में पूर्णत सक्षम हैं और सुचारू रूप से कर रहे हैं ! तथ्यों पर नज़र रखें और कृपया तनावमुक्त रहें !
अमन आज़ाद
अमन आज़ाद
Thanks To Mr. Aman Azad. This information is
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